Thursday, March 11, 2010

So close to crawling forward

Ben is just SO close to a full foward crawl.   Sit him down on the floor and he certainly doesn't stay in one place anymore.  He's even better at crawling in reverse now - especially on our hard wood floors...   He's getting on his knees and getting that butt in the air and rocks back and forth!  But still no forward crawl.

Not that it really matters though.  Sit him on the floor (or on his new "ABC" matt) and he'll go from sitting up to laying on his belly - crawl in reverse - and then sit back up again, which means he can pretty much get to wherever he wants now.  Uh oh...  time to start baby-proofing the house!

He loves playing with his little police car too.  Shake it and the engine turns on.  Shake it some more and it revs the engine and then takes off across the floor!  Ben gets so excited when we pull out this toy.

Anytime Ben gets excited, he does this new thing - He'll make fists with both his hands and throw them out forward and laugh!!!  Sometimes his fists go out in front, or sometimes they go high in the air! 

Its his own version of "fist pumping."

So now I wonder where Ben's off to now?

Who needs to crawl forward?  Ben can pretty much get anywhere he wants in reverse.
(but I'm sure its going to be any minute now that he figures out his forward gear.)

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