Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kung Fu Baby

Not only is Ben getting bigger every day, but he's getting stronger as well.  Since he loves spending time in his jumper, his legs are getting really strong.  He just loves to jump and jump!!  You can tell in this picture how much he really enjoys it...

When he really gets going on that jumper, he'll put his arms and head back and just kick with all his might!  Its quite funny to watch...

Or maybe he's just looking at those liquor bottles on the shelf behind him... 

Even though Ben is only about 7 and a half months old he's been proving to us just how strong he is, so we thought we would put his strength to test.  So we dressed him up accordingly, and took him to the black belt test at our YMCA.   Ben can't stand on his own yet, so we had to hold him for the test, but he did great!

Ben went right through that board!  And then he tried punching through one too!

No problem...  This is one tough baby.  
Ben earned his 1st degree baby black belt with ease...
We're all very proud!

Back home, Ben didn't want to take off is Tae Kwon Do uniform and belt. 

So maybe the pacifier and teething ring kind of take away from his rough and tough image, but that's allowed for baby black belts.

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