Friday, September 27, 2013

Queenie and Beanie

Our little sweet girls are getting big, fast. They each have their first teeth now and Brenna is crawling around quite a bit. Cailee, not so much... She's our little princess and expects us to just carry her wherever she needs to go. She's also the much more 'dramatic' one and is definitely a little drama queen and cries about just about anything, but also laughs a lot and gives us the best happy smiles ever! That's why shes our little 'Queenie,' Brenna 'Bean' (as we call her) also laughs and smiles a lot, but she's much more independent and is happy playing on her own and only cries when there's really something wrong. They're both wonderfully sweet little girls and we are so happy and lucky to have the both of them as a part of our family.

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