Friday, December 14, 2012

The Wonder Twins!

Introducing  Brenna Suzanne & Cailee Jeanne Rudyk!  

Brenna is 5lbs 7oz & Cailee is 6lbs 1oz. and both are about 18 inches long. They're both beautiful and pretty much perfect!   Jill did a great job delivering them and she's doing well.  She's thrilled that she made it as long as she did and is ready to get back to being mobile again.

It's amazing how you can see the little personalities in these girls already.  

Cailee is chilling out and pretty much went right to sleep after the nurses checked her out.  They woke her up for a bottle and she passed out again.  

Brenna is wide awake, wiggling all over the place, pulling on the monitor cords and crying for food.  After leaving them for a bit to go check on Jill, when I got back the nurses were telling me that Brenna is a trouble maker and a very feisty baby and Cailee is a little sweetie pie.  Jill's been telling me over the past two months that this is exactly what they would be like - and she was right!
We're in for some exciting, fun and exhausting times!  Anyone who wants to come over and help are more than welcome!

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