Friday, July 16, 2010

The Big Birthday Boy!

We can't believe that a year went by so fast....  It was exactly one year ago today that Ben was born.  He was a big baby then, and he's even bigger now!  He's only a year old and he's been wearing 2 year old sized clothes already!

Just to remind you how much he's grown over the past year, here's a picture of Ben just minutes after he was born, compared to a picture of him now.


There's obviously no doubt that we've enjoyed every second with Ben over the past year.   He constantly surprises us with how quickly he learns, his curiosity, his sense of humor and how much he just enjoys having fun.

We also think that he's way ahead of other kids his age.  In fact Ben is pretty much walking already.  For the past two months he's been walking around with just holding on to us with one hand and occasionally taking a few steps on his own. 

He's getting more and more confident with walking and just this week he's been taking off more on his own taking lots of steps before falling or stopping for a break.  With a little help, he'll walk to where ever he wants...  Like to his slide.

And he'll climb right up the slide and get a good view of the yard before sliding down again.

Ben is definitely a one in a million kid.
Let's all wish Ben a great first birthday!

All Hail King Ben!!  
He is one today!!
And Mommy and Daddy couldn't be more proud.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN !!!!!!!!

    Have a wonderful party,,,wish I could be there...

    Love, Aunt Pat

  2. We wish you can be here too Aunt Pat! I hope you feel better soon!

  3. Hey Steve,

    How time flies - Ben is beautiful - I hope to get up to NJ this fall and see you guys.

