Friday, April 23, 2010

Growing up so Fast...

We can't believe how much Ben is growing up lately.  He's progressing at an amazing pace lately.  He's crawling all over the house, standing up on his own, eating lots of new foods (chunky pieces now too!) and he's got four new teeth all coming in on the top now, and possibly two more coming on the bottom soon.   He's not all that happy about the teeth at the moment, but he's thrilled about everything else. 

As you can imagine with his new found mobility, we don't have as much free time as we did before when we could just sit him down with a pile of toys and know he pretty much wouldn't move from there...  Here's a few pictures of what we have to watch out for now.

Oh yes... he loves opening drawers now - and he can reach them all.  Did someone say that its time to baby-proof the house?  uh huh...

Here's a picture of Ben on Easter reaching for the top of the table...  all by himself!

Here's a picture of Grandpa and Ben in his new Chinese Dragon outfit.   I think he likes it!

Ben also recently got a new car!  Yes, that's right, an old fashioned foot powered car.    Complete with an antenna (but no radio) and a trunk in the front of the car.  

Ben seems to always start moving in reverse first.  But I'm sure it will be no time at all before he's scooting all around the house.   Here's Ben chasing after Lybbie... one of his favorite past times.

Run Lybbie, Run!! 
For the time being Lybbie is faster than Ben.  But I don't think that's going to last long. 


After a long day of scooting around the house, beeping horns and putting things in the trunk, and then out again, and then in again, and then out again...  its time for a bath. 

Ben's grown out of that little baby bathtub and graduated to the big tub. 
He's checking out the temperature of the water here...

Those swimming lessons are paying off.   It looks like he's ready to dive right in!!

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