I honestly didn't think a box would be of that much interest to an eight month old baby... but boy was I wrong. Unfortunately my basement didn't escape getting some water seaping in after all that rain we had a couple weeks ago. As a result I had to buy a mop and a mop bucket. Much to my surprise, a mop bucket comes in a box - a perfectly sized box to fit a small child!
The games didn't end there. There were two holes cut on either side of the box, I guess so people could know that there was actually a mop bucket in that box. Again, who would think that a bucket would come in a box? Well, Ben had some other ideas for this cutout...
It was an escape hatch!
No, no... its actually a new 3D TV set.
Look out for the Monster Baby trying to escape!
The box imagination fun didn't end after just this one time.
Two weeks have passed and this box is still a great time.
Here's Ben just enjoying some private time in his "Man Cave"
I think he wants me to come in the box with him...
Maybe not... here he is protecting the entrace to his cave now!
I better stay out.
Now he's 'battening the hatches' to make sure that I can't get in there.
Stay out Daddy!
I guess maybe some good actually did come out of all that rain. Yes, I spent two days mopping up my basement, but I also learned that mop buckets come in boxes, and Ben loves to play in boxes!
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