Monday, November 30, 2009

Ben Rolls Over!

Ben is getting stronger and stronger every day.  We give him 'tummy time' just about every day and only a few weeks ago, just would just lay there and pick up his head to look around for us.  Now he's pushing up with his arms really good and looking all around him.  Then the other night when we were having dinner at our friend's house (Doug, Danielle & Eli) he pushed himself up real high and then rolled right over on his back.  We all were so excited...  its pretty funny how such a simple action can get such a reaction from us adults.

Here's an action shot of Ben in the middle of rolling over.

Here's Ben enjoying his tummy time play station.

Right in the middle of that yellow 'wall' is a mirror.  Ben LOVES mirrors.  I don't know exactly what that means, but when he sees himself in a mirror he just laughes and laughes and has the biggest smile!  Here he is peaking in his mirror.

You can just barely make out his big smile in there.

If you can't exactly see the the smile in that picture, then how about here...

I love this picture.  He's such a great smiler. 

Everyone that meets Ben comments about what a happy baby he is.   Just an added little story - Ben & I had to wait for Jill in the doctor's office earlier last week.  We were out there for a couple of hours and the nurses kept coming out from the back room to see Ben.  A few nurses told me that he was the 'talk of the office' and everyone kept saying - 'Did you go out to the waiting room and see that baby??!!" 


  1. That last pic is so cute!

  2. He is soooo adorable I just can't stand it!! :)
    Hope you are all doing good!

  3. Thank you! He really is a cutie... I've got these pictures posted all over my office.
