Thursday, October 22, 2009

SO Big....

Oh my, Ben is growing so fast.  And let me tell you - he is quite a big boy for his age.  He's 14 weeks old today, and he's already outgrown all of his 3-6 month old clothes and he's well in to 6-9 month old sized clothes.  Its a shame too because he has so many outfits that he only got to wear and spit up on once or twice, and now they don't fit!  You can get a pretty good idea of how big he is in this picture below with his Grandma. 

I weighed him the other day and he was over 16 pounds already, which is almost double his birth weight. 
Let me give you some perspective - at his daycare, there are a set of twins who are about 7 months old.  Ben weighs more than them, eats more than them and wears about the same size clothes.  I wonder how long this double-sized kid is going to last.  I can see it coming...  by the time he's a teenager, he might be 10 feet tall and weigh 250 pounds!  Well, I hope not.  But I'm sure he's going to be a big kid.  And I'm sure he's going to continue to want to eat all the time too...  I might have to get a second job.

Ben's not so big yet that we can't still bathe him in the kitchen sink though.  Although, I don't think that's going to last much longer - he's going to graduate to the tub real soon.

Just look at that muscle definition on his arms!!  I think he works out with his stuffed animals in the middle of the night.   Ben likes his baths, although when he's done he usually can't wait to spit up on his nice clean clothes.

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