Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Halloween Special!

Its Benjamin's first Halloween!  And I'm going to do a big holiday picture posting today!
Ben can't really go trick or treating yet, but Jill got him TWO costumes to wear around the house today.   Our little pumpkin started out the day looking really cute...

We wanted to walk Ben around the neighborhood today, but between the on and off rain and his sleeping and eating schedule we never made it out of the house.  So a little later, he did his second costume change of the day, and he got even cuter...

His pumpkin isn't full of candy... its full of baby food that our neighbor Mrs. Colucci brought over for him.  She is Ben's honorary Grammie.   She takes care of Jill & I pretty good too - she brings us dinners!!

We took a few fall family pictures earlier in the week that also came out nice.

Here's our nice family picture on our new swing that I built...

And on the front porch...

So cute!!  Both of them!

This is Ben's rocking chair...  he'll grow into it eventually.

Here we are hiding in the weeds.

And finally, Ben will leave you with this message...

Remember, only YOU can prevent forest fires!!


  1. Loved the story about meeting other babies at Toy R Us,,,,and these HALLOWEEN pictures are so
    great,,,,BEN looks great as a pumpkin and so cute,,,,

  2. Thanks Aunt Pat! I think you're Ben's biggest fan! Ben is looking forward to the next picnic so he can come out and visit again.
