Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ben gets Hypnotized!

Ben is starting to enjoy his toys more and more every day.  Its fun watching him start to hold and grab for his toys and react more to his surroundings.   Every once in a while he gets completely hypnotized by something and its darn funny.   Take a look at him staring at the little monkeys moving in his bouncy seat....

Too funny....  

Ben's also getting better and better at holding his head up.  He's getting more tummy time each day and he's been doing great.  Take a look!

He's growing and developing more every day!  What a cute kid!


  1. Love the 'looks'! LOL! What size is he wearing these days?

  2. looks like he's thinking, "those monkeys are real cute but those darn creatures better not land in my lap!"

  3. I love his tummy time pic! Look at that hair, how cute he is!

  4. I just learned something so interesting about the staring the other day. It's typical of 3 month old babies. It occurs when the frontal cortex of their brain is taking over command from the involuntary system in the brain. The two parts of the brain fight over the control, and the kid gets stuck and just stares until the frontal cortex wins the fight, and then he can look around again.
