Friday, September 4, 2009

Is Ben becoming an Activist?

So I came home from work the other day and there’s Ben sitting there proudly displaying the words on his shirt “Give Peas a Chance.”  Shortly there after, he started up with letting us know that he wanted to be changed.

Hmm... So, in his own little way, was Ben promoting Peace and Change? Where have I heard that before?

So then I got to thinking about it. Maybe Ben is on to something. Maybe we need to listen to this innocent little guy and hear what he’s REALLY saying.
My translation to his messages are that we, as Americans, all need to clean up our crap, spend more time with our family and eat our vegetables. And if we get a little fussy… well, just go and suck on something and you’ll feel better.
I’m telling you, our Benjamin is a smart boy. Maybe he will run for president some day. Vote for Ben X in 2044! (He’ll be 35 and eligible to run for President by then - scary, huh?)

1 comment:

  1. I think a little credit goes to Mommy for finding such a cute shirt! I love my little activist! Its amazing how much babies seem to know so early! Go Ben! Show the world!
