Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ben's First Party

Ben attended a party for the first time yesterday - we all went to his friend Eli's 1st birthday party.  This was one of his first true adventures!   Here's Ben before the party getting into the mood.  He's swinging his arms and singing that "Yo-Ho Ho and a couple of bottles of Rum" song.

When we got to the party, we told him how good all the food was, but he still just wanted his formula.  After eating, he started getting into the festivities.   Here's Ben playing both the Ship's Captain and as a true Pirate looking to steal some booty. 
He was such a good baby all afternoon.  He didn't cry once! 
I have to add one more picture - look how good he's holding up his head!


  1. He is such a precious little boy, I love him!

  2. Awwww great pics and blog! He REALLY does have great hair. I love reading the blog because I can SO hear you saying every word, Steve. I can tell you are so excited to have him in your life and I'm so happy for you all!

  3. Thank you, Ruth & Michelle!
    I agree - he's the cutest kid ever! ;-)
