Saturday, June 30, 2012

Best Buds

Here are Ben and his good friend Eli playing on the trampoline together... with poor little Nate (Eli's little brother) feeling left out in the background. Ben plays so well with Eli. It's amazing to see such little kids be such good friends already.


We got Ben a pair of goggles for the pool.... but he has yet to wear them in the pool yet. We don't mind though, he still has a lot of fun with them, and he certainly makes us laugh.

Guitar Hero

Ben was pretty good at guitar hero too! You can see how intent he is on getting this particular solo down right. He was dancing and shaking his head the whole time too.

Whooped at Air Hockey!

I'm not sure exactly how he knew how to play, but Ben flipped out when he saw this air hockey table at the arcade. He HAD to play... and he did great! He snuck a few right by me!


Ben's been playing in the little black car in the garage for probably two years now, so I thought it was about time that I gave him a ride. (For me too - I haven't driven the Miata much since Ben was born!) I wasn't sure how he would feel about being in the front seat and all that wind, but he did great and loved it! We didn't go far, and we stayed on the back roads, but he didn't seem to mind.

Precious Boy

We took Ben to the Great Swamp a few weeks ago and at the end of one of the walkways they had this bird blind with little windows where you could look out and watch the birds in the meadow. He was just so cute looking for birds and whispering when he thought he saw a dinosaur, then he pooped in his pants five minutes later and ruined the moment.

Beach Boy

We had a family day at Keansburg a few weeks ago. Ben really enjoyed the beach, the waves and hunting for seashells. We're looking forward to taking him back to a Real beach soon. (Those of you who don't know, Keansburg is kind of dirty, but its close!)

First Mate

Ben and I have taken up Kayaking this summer at the lake. He's not paddling in this picture, but he has a little wooden paddle and he helps me paddle around the lake so we can save imaginary animals that are in trouble or get away from the alligators, fast! (just like Dora and Diego)

They're Still Dating

Go back to last summer's pictures and you'll find a similar picture of Ben and Katelyn on another amusement ride. They're still good friends and ride partners again this year! Ben always drives too.