Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ice Cream Man!!!

Today we learned about the magical musical van that drives around giving out ice cream! The ice cream man stopped for a visit at the playground where we were playing with Eli. When Ben heard the music he just said, What's that Daddy? and I screamed out, "ICE CREAM MAN!". I'm happy that Ben will have some of the same childhood memories that I had. It was tummy too.

Wheely Good Friends

We went to visit Aunt Donna at the beach yesterday. We had lots of fun at the beach. We ate pizza, played skeeball, feed the seagulls, played on the beach and sat in a tractor wheel. It doesn't get much better than that!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Keys Please

Playing in the car is still one of Ben's favorite things to do - especially now that the weather is getting nice. We get home from school and he says, "Dad, can I have the keys?" He wanted to take Scooby for a ride around the neighborhood. I knew that was something that I would need to get used to hearing at some point, but not so soon! He looks like he knows what he's doing in this picture, eh? Its a good thing his feet can't reach the pedals yet.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Goofy Smile

When you ask Ben to smile, you never know what you're going to get lately. Sometimes you get a big cheesy smile, sometimes you get squinty eyes and now this one was a no-teeth goofy smile. Maybe it was because he was tired from running around the bases at the baseball field three times... In any case they're all cute smiles.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Makin' Faces!

Ben has recently learned how to make lots of silly faces. I think he started learning these from his friends at school, but I couldn't help but teach him a few more and then encouraging him try them out on the people sitting at the table next to us at the food court in the mall...