Monday, February 27, 2012

Ben Loves his Books!

Ben has been on a new kick lately where he likes to lay out his books on the floor like a big puzzle. Then he says, "Dad, read them all to me!". I'll only get through a few at a time, but I think he got his Nana to read quite a few this morning. He can be very persuasive...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Cold Weather Fun

The cold weather seems to have very little effect on Ben's fun. We were on this playground last weekend and the wind was blowing and it even snowed for a while. Ben just kept saying "More Daddy! Faster!"

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Hijinks

Ben's first Superbowl party and he hasn't had a think to drink and he's already hanging with his buddy and taking pictures with french fries sticking out of his mouth. We're for some trouble about 18 years from now...