Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Ben

Fortunately, Ben's first hurricane experience was a good one. He slept through all the wind and rain overnight and really didn't care too much when the light switches didn't work. He could care less about the water in the basement, but the water outside was a different story... After I took him for a stroller ride through some deep puddles, ( which he loved and continually asked for "More! More!" ), I let him free in front of our house to discover the joy of puddles! He played for quite a while and got soaked!

Just before lift-off!

Splash landing!

What fun!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ben Meets Bert & Ernie!

We all went to Sesame Place today and Ben got to meet lots of his famous friends in person! We didn't get any autographs, but we got some good pictures.