Monday, May 16, 2011

Cheesy Smiles

As you can probably tell by my much delayed blog posting frequency, as Ben gets older we seem to have less and less time for the extra things... Unfortunately posting blog pictures has been pushed down lower on my list, but its certainly not off my list.  In any case, I figured I owed all of Ben's blog readers a really good group of pictures to make up for the past few months of missing updates.  Get ready to SMILE!

Looking over the past few months of pictures I notice a new theme...   Ben obviously is a happy kid and loves to play and smile, but many of his smiles were a little more forced than they had been previously.   Often when we pull out the camera we now say "Smile Ben!  Say Cheese!"  Well, he responds and gives us a big "Cssheeeeesssee" and makes what he thinks is a BIG smile.  But well, its usually more of a distorted smile that comes out now.  

I was surprised that the top didn't pop off his sippy cup when he gave us this smile.  He tightened up every muscle in his body!  Still, its a very cute smile.

Then sometimes we get something that's more like a monster with a dirty face smiling...  

Maybe not AS cute...  but still a good one.

Then sometimes we get the reverse of a smile.  Something we refer to as the 'Fishy Face"

No, not a smile, but yes, definitely a great response to our picture requests.  He can only do this so long and eventually he breaks down and laughs.

And then there's the smile that says, "Hey! I'm proud of me!"  Like when he learned how to play pool.

Yes, Ben, we're very proud of you too.  Especially when you learned not to throw the pool balls into the corner pockets, but to gently roll them....

I don't know, maybe he's just taking after his Daddy?

Or maybe he takes after his Mommy...

Just a reality check - Ben doesn't ALWAYS smile. 
Sometimes he gives us the sad look, like when he wants us to pull him around in his wagon around the yard one more time.

Not a smile, but how do you not just melt when he gives that look and do whatever he wants!  Of course we went around the yard five more times...

What does Ben say when we ask him where he gets his great smile, looks and personality?  

Actually, his response to that question would most likely be "ELMO!"